nEw ExPeRienCeS (L)
“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Generlas Die In Bed
Dear Gladys,
It seems as though things have gotten ten times worse. We had a raid two days ago and the lives lost were unimaginable. Last time, we laughed at how I killed a Hun as you thought it wasn't a real murder. In this raid my colleague killed our captain because of a petty reason. If he had not died(my colleague) and he had been caught, he would have been charged with war crime. But what is the difference between what he did and what I did? Does it make the difference that one murder was to a Hun and the other was to one of our men?If it does, why should it? Clark(one of us) had someone who loved him and so did Karl(the hun) Both were men fighting for their country and what they were told is right. Should one's death be treated differently simply because of nationality? I am excuriatingly tired of the blurred lines between reality and fiction in this hell hole. One of the new recruits died, burned alive actually. A terrible sight to percieve really.Anderson-our religious fanatic-disappeared not long after Fry shut him up for praying. Maybe Fry should have let him be. Fry, I guess is one of the victims of jokes life plays. First he kills Clark and then he clings to me when his own life is in danger. I should gave helped him,maybe, maybe not. Its hard in war.
During break, I stayed with this lady who also had two sons at war, I wondered to myself if they were alive. She took good care of my injured feet though and for awhile I was back in civilization. But alas it was but a break from my reality. She said to take care of my feet when I left, in mind I said "Take care of your heart when your sons don't return".
Yours Truly,
{Lesson Learned}
Monday, November 1, 2010
Dear World...
Friday, October 1, 2010
AlonG In Awhile.../ Ideas That Surround My Life
By Ray Hansell.....
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Just For One Night
Just for one night, I'll pretend you don't exist. Just for one night, I'll take off running and not have you on mind. I'll let the pain overwhelm me to the point where stopping is not an option because the reflief would just be plain wrong. For one night, I'll listen to everybody talk and tell me how foolish i was to come back to you.
For one night, I'll consider leaving you. Leaving behind three years of my life and finally admit it was a waste. But at least i would have admitted it and would have been ready to face the future, that, they say is the first step. Just for one night , i would refuse to find a excuse that covers everything you've done. I would not fight for you and i would not share any of my tears for you because i would realize it was useful water going to waste.
But it would only be for one night. After that night, my mind would return to the way you have set it to be; fighting and crying for you but never willing to give you up. That night, never would i mention to you.But somewhere in the misguided mindset you have given me, the memory of the freedom would remain. Just for that night.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Mu$ic SpeakS
Saturday, August 28, 2010
QuoteS & My Interpretations
I Can see the beginnings of my rainbow but i know there's still a lot of rain left.
I think I will take that punishment and live out my dreams.