Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mu$ic SpeakS

mUsic = Life. It doesn't matter what kind of music it is; pop,rock,country,traditional,hip-hop,techno e.t.c Whatever it is, music has a soothing power of the soul and body. Regardless of your age or gender, there is something out there for everyone to listen to that completely and totally sets them on another level completely. MusiC is a matter of opinion, so no one can really judge what is good and what is not to another person.

Another thing is the mood someone is in. Some types of music improve a depressed mood, others put you into one. A song that makes you dance puts you in a happy moon. But moving on from just music; instruments, just playing automatically put you into a trans-like state. Saxophones/pianoes/guitars and many other instruments too. I personally can't blame any instrument, never had the patience to learn one but i am appericative of those who can.

Beats are an important mark in music. If the lyrics don't make sense to a listener, the beats do.
The Point is mUsic has power beyond our control and if we listen carefully, it has an answer to most problems.

"When words fail, music speaks."

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