Saturday, November 27, 2010

{Lesson Learned}

"A friend asked me once, "What would you do if i betrayed your trust?" I replied "Trusting you was my choice, betraying it is yours."
Most people call their mistakes, experiences. They say it is helped them know and recognize things like that in future. But they never call them "mistakes". I on the other hand am prone to believe that mistakes and experiences are two different things. I say this because of personal experiences with mistakes.
I trusted a guy once and, No, he didn't break my heart. He broke my trust and that for me is something much worse. I heard once, that betrayal in every relationship is ineveitable, beit marriage,friendship e.t.c, ofcourse though I am sure there are exceptions even if in very rare cases. He chose to be an enemy when I needed him the most and too side unreasonably with another set of people. I guess in the long run, it was a pointless fight and I wasnt mad at anybody but him. It was just the principal of the thing. Still I will not call trusting an experience, It was an outright flat mistake. There are no two ways about that.
I rather call my mistakes that;Mistakes rather than sugarcoat it and call them "experience". Accept what you know and change what you can.